

Knoxville DUI Attorney

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Attorney for Clients Facing Drunk Driving Charges in Knoxville, TN

It is easy to think you are fit to drive after attending a happy hour or a party, whether you are or not. And if you get stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI), you may think your only option is to plead guilty, accept the sentence and move on with your life. However, Tennessee law punishes those facing their first DUI severely, including mandatory jail time of at least 48 hours and fines that can total $1,500. Your driver’s license could be revoked for up to a year. If this is a second or third DUI arrest, the consequences only escalate in terms of jail time, fines, fees and loss of driving privileges.

Lance K. Baker, founder of The Baker Law Firm, respects and aggressively defends clients facing DUI or other criminal charges. His understanding of Tennessee law and police procedures help him build a case for you that can result in an acquittal, reduced charges, or referral to a drug and alcohol treatment program.

Our Attorney Examines The Case Against You

Many DUI cases are not as open and shut as they may appear based on the prosecution’s accusations. Lance will take the following steps to ensure you receive a fair trial based on a strong defense strategy:

  • Determine if the police had a lawful reason to stop you for DUI
  • Review police records to determine if field sobriety tests or breathalyzer tests were administered properly
  • Document any medical conditions that may have inappropriately influenced your test results during the DUI stop
  • Investigate to determine if officers at the scene unlawfully interrogated you or if the prosecutors negotiated a plea deal with you without the presence of your lawyer

Even if the prosecution has a strong case, Lance can work for the best outcome in your case and assist you with important administrative matters such as helping you retain your driving privileges with a restricted license.

Contact A Knoxville DUI Lawyer Help Today

The consequences of a DUI conviction can tarnish your reputation and put your freedom at risk. Call The Baker Law Firm today for a FREE case evaluation and consultation – we serve clients across East and Middle Tennessee. Our Knoxville DUI lawyer works for YOU and YOUR RIGHTS!

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