

Tennessee University Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Lawyer for University Students Facing Criminal Charges in Tennessee

Often, college is the first time a young adult has spent an extended period away from home. Additionally, it is their first opportunity to experiment, push boundaries, and have fun before getting serious about the future. There is no doubt that a single instance of reckless experimentation could lead to a lifetime of problems and challenges. Our Knoxville criminal defense attorney represents college students that have been charged or accused of a crime. We have the experience and knowledge to represent university students in any criminal proceeding.

Some Common Criminal Charges for Students

While a university student can be charged with many criminal offenses – these are the most common:

  • DUI – driving under the influence (DUI) or (BUI) boating under the influence
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Drug Possession
  • Fake ID
  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol
  • Property Crimes
  • Public Intoxication
  • Sex Crimes
  • Underage Drinking

Anyone who has been charged with a crime finds it difficult, but college students who are away from home can find it even more challenging. Your financial aid, scholarship, and student loan status can be affected by criminal accusations, and you may face repercussions from your school even if you are not convicted. Having a conviction can affect your future employment opportunities, housing opportunities, and your future.

Assisting Young Adults Protect Their Futures

When appropriate, our firm assists Tennessee college students with diversion programs and alternative to convictions. As a result of participating in these programs, you may be able to avoid a permanent criminal record in exchange for probation or education classes. We can help you explore other options, including plea deals, if you are not eligible for a diversion program. If needed, we can defend your interests in court if this option becomes necessary.

Contact A Knoxville University Student Lawyer

If you or your son or daughter is facing criminal charges as a college student, call The Baker Law Firm today for a FREE case evaluation and consultation – we serve clients across East and Middle Tennessee. Our Knoxville university student attorney works for YOU and YOUR RIGHTS!

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