

Knoxville Civil Rights Lawyer

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Trial Attorney for Civil Rights Defense in Knoxville, TN

A Law Firm That Will Not Be Intimidated

Make no mistake about it, The Baker Law Firm is one of Tennessee’s leading law firms when it comes to handling civil rights cases. In particular, The Baker Law Firm has earned this stature and exceptional reputation by holding police officers, county and city governments accountable for law enforcement misconduct. Furthermore, this recognition was achieved through our aggressive approach, staunch work ethic and understanding of this complex area of law. For example, due to our firm’s high-caliber offense and strategy, we have a proven track record of litigating and negotiating settlements on behalf of Tennessee residents.

We Represent And Fight For Victims

Like most lawyers, doctors, teachers and many other professionals, most police officers are dependable, ethical and honest. Police officers put their lives on the line each and every day to protect us and our loved ones, which improves the quality of life for all citizens. Additionally, being a police officer is a difficult, stressful job that requires long hours and often involves dangerous, life-threatening situations that are rapidly evolving.

That said, while police officers are permitted to use reasonable force to protect themselves and bystanders, police officers can sometimes go too far when they are attempting to enforce state and federal laws and violate the civil rights of those they are sworn to protect. Citizens place a great deal of trust and confidence into the police and our law enforcement departments, and when that trust is abused or betrayed, that misconduct must not go unchallenged.

The Baker Law Firm focuses on the following types of civil rights cases:

  • Excessive force / police brutality
  • Inmate on inmate assault in jail
  • Failure to provide adequate medical care to inmate in jail
  • Police shootings and wrongful death
  • Rape or sexual assault by corrections officer or another inmate
  • Jail injuries or deaths
  • Unlawful or inappropriate use of a Taser
  • Other constitutional violations

Contact A Knoxville Civil Rights Lawyer For Help

If you or a loved one believe that you are a victim of police misconduct, assaulted by another inmate or officer while in jail, or not been given adequate medical treatment while in custody, it does not do our society any justice by ignoring these violations. Time is of the essence in these cases – contact us immediately at for a free consultation. We can then start collecting documents and the necessary evidence to ensure your rights are protected and justice is served for those responsible.

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