

Knoxville Weapons Violations Attorney

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Weapons Violations Lawyer in Knoxville, Tennessee

Tennessee has historically maintained relatively permissive laws regarding firearms and other weapons compared to other states. In an effort to increase public safety, legislators in the Volunteer State have enacted more stringent legislation in recent years. Charges related to gun and weapon violations can be quite serious, and you could face severe criminal consequences if found guilty.

Guarding Your Second Amendment Rights In Tennessee

Our Second Amendment right in the U.S. Constitution – the government is not permitted to infringe on “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” In spite of the ongoing debate over what our nation’s founders meant at the time and how the right to bear arms should be interpreted today, federal and state courts have ruled that a person has the right to possess, own, and carry a weapon with certain limitations.

However, these limitations vary from state to state and sometimes from municipality to municipality. We are well-versed in Tennessee’s laws regarding illegal weapons, as well as in local ordinances and restrictions. Even though guns can be dangerous in the hands of the wrong people, most gun owners are responsible, law-abiding citizens who follow the law. It is not unusual for weapons violations charges to result from oversights or careless errors, like an individual with a carry permit not realizing that a firearm is not allowed in a certain park. In the event that you face charges related to illegal weapon possession, we will work with you to explore all your options.

Tennessee law also prohibits a number of specific types of other weapons, and it is illegal for a person in Tennessee to knowingly possess, manufacture, transport, repair, or sell:

  • Any weapon designed to inflict serious injury or death
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Devices designed to shoot explosives (grenade launcher)
  • Explosive Weapons (grenades or mines)
  • Machine Guns
  • Rifles or Shotguns (with short or sawed-off barrels)

Tennessee law prohibits “imposture” devices, which are defined as anything intended to look like a weapon or explosive used with the intent of alarming people.

The severity of a criminal charge associated with an illegal weapon will depend on the type of weapon involved and can range from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class B felony.

Contact A Knoxville Gun & Weapon Violations Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with a gun or weapon offense or violation, call The Baker Law Firm today for a FREE case evaluation and consultation – we serve clients across East and Middle Tennessee. Our Knoxville gun and weapon charge lawyer works for YOU and YOUR RIGHTS!

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