


practice areas


  • Felony Drug Charges – Client was facing over a decade in prison upon conviction of felony drug charges, however after declining the State’s offer and invoking the client’s right to a preliminary hearing the charges were dismissed entirely by the Judge after cross-examining multiple witnesses and shedding light on exculpatory evidence.
  • Felony Drug Charges – Charges against client, and college student at the time, were ultimately dismissed.
  • Second Degree Murder – After a thorough and lengthy investigation and multiple rounds of negotiations, the charges were significantly reduced and the client was placed on probation.
  • Aggravated Assault – Dismissed by agreement after successful negotiations.
  • Aggravated Domestic Assault – Client was facing the possibility of significant time behind bars, not to mention a felony on their otherwise flawless record, however after a preliminary hearing was held and cross-examination ensued, the Court significantly reduced the charges to misdemeanor false imprisonment, a significant reduction.
  • Driving Under the Influence – Dismissed by agreement after a thorough investigation and presenting proof that potentially exculpatory evidence had been lost by the State.


  • $1,250,000 Settlement - Co-counsel for a client who was a pedestrian when they were struck and severely injured by a negligent driver.
  • $950,000 Settlement - Co-Counsel for one of several plaintiffs that received compensation following Multidistrict Litigation on a defective products case.
  • $160,000 Settlement – Counsel for a client who was a pedestrian when they sustained injuries after being struck by a negligent driver.
  • $150,000 Settlement – Counsel for a client who was a pedestrian in a crosswalk when they were struck and injured by a negligent driver.

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