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Can I Get My Stuff Back if Police Seize It?
Asset forfeiture is a legal process that allows law enforcement to seize property connected to criminal activity. While it is meant to fight drug trafficking and other serious crimes, forfeiture often leads to police taking people’s stuff unfairly, especially if the property owner is not convicted of a crime.
In Tennessee, asset forfeiture laws can impact people’s finances, vehicles, and other valuable assets, so understanding when forfeiture is legal and how to fight it is crucial. If your property has been seized, a top-notch Tennessee criminal defense and civil rights attorney can help you fight to reclaim it.
When Can Property Be Legally Forfeited in Tennessee?
Under Tennessee law, property can be forfeited if it is believed to be connected to criminal activity, most commonly in cases involving drug offenses. Property that may be seized includes:
Can I Get Arrested for Public Intoxication in Tennessee?
A fun night out in Knoxville can quickly turn sour if you find yourself facing a public intoxication charge. Whether it was a little too much fun on Market Square or some ill-timed antics after a UT game, it is important to understand what public intoxication charges mean in Tennessee, what the potential consequences are, and how an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you fight the charges.
What Counts as Public Intoxication in Tennessee?
In Tennessee, public intoxication is defined under Tennessee Code 39-17-310. Essentially, it is illegal to be drunk or under the influence of drugs in a public place if you are:
Steps to Take After Experiencing Police Misconduct in TN
We trust police officers to protect us in our everyday lives. We give them the authority to use force in a just and reasonable manner, and when we call 911, we expect that the people who arrive on scene are there to help. Unfortunately, the trust we place in them can sometimes be abused, and people find themselves victimized by officers of the law.
Speaking up for your civil rights can feel like a losing battle on your own. The Baker Law Firm is here to fight alongside you as legal advocates who will not be intimidated in the face of law enforcement misconduct. Our Knoxville, TN civil rights attorneys provide passionate representation, as we work towards a just settlement for your physical and emotional damages.
What Qualifies as Misconduct?
Police misconduct can take different forms other than excessive force; it also includes incidents that occur while you are in the custody of the police. For instance, police misconduct covers abuse at the hands of another inmate in detention, or the failure of the police to provide you with medical care in jail. Other abuses of power include blackmail, wrongful arrests, and unlawful search and seizure. If you can prove that you suffered physical or emotional damages from the event, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
Certain cases of police misconduct have garnered media attention and seen serious victories for the victims and their families. In 2016, the family of Sandra Bland won a wrongful death suit for $1.9 million, and in 2021, the city of Chattanooga paid out $550,000 to a survivor of sexual assault by a police officer. At the worst of times, police officers can seem above the law, and going against them in court can be intimidating. However, a civil rights attorney can bring these injustices to light and bring you closure to these traumatic abuses of power.
New Law Makes Failure to Appear Much More Serious in TN
Senate Bill 2304, sponsored by Gardenhire, Rose, and Walley, went into effect July 1, 2024. The bill places those who fail to appear in court for a bench warrant on a federal fugitive database if they were charged with a felony or a Class A or B misdemeanor that is violent or sexual in nature. The individual will be placed on that federal database within 10 days of failing to appear in court for one of these offenses.
If you find yourself placed on the federal fugitive database, it is important that you speak to a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible. When you choose a Knoxville, TN criminal defense attorney from The Baker Law Firm, you have taken an important first step toward protecting your future. You can find out more below about how to be removed from the federal fugitive database after a failure to appear.
When College Students Get Arrested in Tennessee
Going off to college is an exciting time of adventure and learning about the world. However, as college students try to spread their wings and experiment with new things, there is one new experience they would probably rather avoid: getting arrested for the first time. When a college student faces charges, what happens next depends on several factors. Since it is often the first time people are exposed to alcohol with potentially high frequency, many college students in Tennessee get arrested for things like underage drinking and public intoxication, which are considered relatively minor offenses.
If, however, your arrest is for something more serious, the consequences can be severe, not only for your criminal record but also for your education. If you are a college student facing charges, contact a Rutledge, TN criminal defense attorney for guidance.
Can I Be Sent to Jail if I Get Caught With Pot in a National Park?
Tennessee has the privilege of being home to many national parks. Local residents and visitors from out-of-state enjoy coming to the parks to experience the grandeur of America’s great outdoors. However, they bring up interesting questions about jurisdiction; they are under the responsibility of the federal National Park Service, even though they are located inside the state of Tennessee.
If you are caught with marijuana or any other substance that is federally illegal while you are inside a national park, you could face federal drug charges. If you were charged with possession of illegal drugs while inside a national park, speak with an experienced Blount County, TN criminal defense lawyer to understand your options.
Expungement for Juvenile Charges in Tennessee
A criminal record can hang over you for many years after the crime you may have committed and after you have served your sentence. Certain charges can hang over you, staining your reputation for the rest of your life. If you were a troubled youth who has turned your life around, it can be upsetting to feel like you need to keep paying for the mistakes you made as a kid. Expungement can be a great way to turn the page and have a fresh start. If you have a juvenile criminal record, speak with a qualified Jefferson City, TN criminal defense lawyer about whether you might be entitled to expungement.
What is Expungement?
Expungement is when a criminal record is sealed or erased. It means that the record is removed from public access and it is as if it never happened. This legal process helps individuals move on from past mistakes and can improve their lives in many ways, including:
New Tennessee Laws About AI-Generated Child Pornography
As AI technology advances, its capabilities continue to develop. AI-generated imagery is making big waves in industries such as entertainment, marketing, and art. It has also spread to the porn industry, where images and videos can be manipulated to create realistic but fake explicit content. The state of Tennessee recently passed new legislation addressing AI-generated child pornography, and anyone convicted can face serious criminal charges. If you face accusations of creating pornographic content with the use of AI technology, speak with a knowledgeable Oak Ridge, TN criminal defense attorney to see how you can protect yourself legally.
What is the New Legislation?
First, the state addressed AI technology in a more general sense:
- It enacted a law requiring the governing boards of all public institutions of higher education, local boards of education, and governing bodies of public charter schools to adopt policies about how students, teachers, and staff can use AI for school-related purposes.
College Students Arrested at a Political Protest Should Read This
Political protests are a great way to make your voice heard and advocate for change. However, they can sometimes get out of hand. There could be a violent minority of protestors riling up the crowd and causing chaos, and police might start arresting people. Being arrested at a political protest can be a frightening and confusing experience, especially if you are a college student. If you are in this situation, speak with a skilled Farragut, TN criminal defense attorney who can help protect your rights and handle the legal process.
What Should I Do if I Get Arrested?
You are in college and starting to think about what will happen after you graduate. There is no reason for a display of free speech to ruin your future. As stressful as it might feel to be arrested, there are several things you can do to try to keep the situation from getting worse.
How a Restraining Order Impacts Gun Rights
Most Americans know about how the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects their right to bear arms. We are so sure of this right that we might even take it for granted at times, assuming it will always be protected by law. But did you know that federal law imposes weapons restrictions on anyone subject to restraining orders? If someone accuses you of violent behavior and you are issued an order of protection, speak with a qualified Knoxville, TN criminal defense attorney to understand what it means for your right to own your gun.
What Does Federal Law Say?
Under the Violence Against Women Act and amendments that followed, anyone subject to certain types of restraining orders is prohibited from possessing a gun. Two types of commonly issued restraining orders are: